Hi, I am Marilee...

Customer review from: Marilee Seymour

“Hi, I am Marilee, and I just wanna recommend the Pulsetto device to anyone that’s considering buying it.

It’s a vagus nerve stimulation device—this is it around my neck, um, and I purchased it to help with insomnia and my chronic health conditions. I’ve heard that it can be really helpful with healing, helping to promote the healing of chronic health conditions, particularly improving sleep, as well as being helpful with healing post-traumatic stress syndrome.

And I just started using it, but it’s a very promising device, and I highly recommend you use it or purchase it.

I looked at several other devices, and they all required you to hold the device up to your neck during the stimulation, which would be very tiring and inconvenient—as well as not good for your ulnar nerve. It could even cause neuropathy in your ulnar nerve.

Anyway, I highly recommend the Pulsetto.”

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