Cancel anytime $10.75 per month
Frequently Asked Questions
Want to know more? Email us any time! Please reach out to info@pulsetto.tech and we’ll be in touch.
How to connect my device?
The Pulsetto device connects to Pulsetto app via Bluetooth. Ensure the bluetooth connection is turned on in your smartphone, press the power button on the Pulsetto device and follow the in-app instructions to connect.
How many stimulations are in the FREE plan?
The free plan has 5 core stimulations for stress, anxiety, sleep, burnout, and pain. Premium users get access to 3 extra stimulations for inflammation, gut health and headaches.
Can I cancel anytime?
Yes, you may cancel your premium subscription any time and avoid future charges.
What insights will I see?
Pulsetto app users may look into their Pulsetto device use analytics and health log trends. Additionally, Premium may users may connect their smart health trackers and see their Sleep, Stress, Heart insights and trends.
What premium features do I get?
We're constantly working on improving the Pulsetto app. New features are added regularly and many more are planned to be developed in the near future. Currently, premium users get access to unique Pulsetto meditations library, breathing exercises, affirmations, CNS tap test, advanced insights, extra stimulations, and more.